
My name is Simon Haddad, and I am a programmer, musician, and seeker of knowledge.  Among these things I am also an regular viewer of Dr. Jordan Peterson. He often encourages people to write to formulate your own ideas. Because I (possibly) like the environment and would rather not write on paper, which among many things is not accessible globally from any wifi-enabled device, I am writing in this blog which I'm expecting only I will read. What am I writing about however? Since I like to learn things (when not too difficult), and since university beat the academic crap out of me, I have since learned that when I set out to master a new skill, writing, summarising, theorising, and opining about the topic in question helps me to formulate my ideas better, and articulate to the subject, and to myself, things I would have never considered otherwise. This blog will henceforth be the spewing out of my various mental utterances, as I explore around whatever intellectual/physical domain I happen to be interested at the time. That means this blog will be more like a diary then any tutorial or how-to guide on what I explore. There is a good chance that when and if I get proficient in the use of what I learn then I will write a proper guide or tutorial, especially if I feel like there isn't already a good one available.

Anchors away!


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